Physiological Chemistry

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Biophysics Core Facility
Biomedical Center Munich

Grosshaderner Str. 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Phone: +49 89 2180 77096
Fax: +49 89 2180 77093


Arrival by plane:

Upon arrival at the airport follow the signs for the "S-Bahn" (white "S" in green circle). Before taking the escalator down to the "S-Bahn" terminal purchase a "Einzelfahrkarte 4 Zonen" (10,80 €) or a "Single-Tageskarte (Gesamtnetz)" (12,00 €) at one of the vending machines or at the counter. You have to stamp the ticket at one of the boxes on the platform before entering the train. The "Single-Tageskarte (Gesamtnetz)" will allow unlimited public transportation in "München" for the day.
Take an "S-Bahn" to "Marienplatz" (Main Station). You may take either S1 or S8, which leaves from either side of the terminal. There is no "wrong" direction at this point. It will take about 45 minutes to reach "Marienplatz".
At Marienplatz you have to change to the U6 underground train in the direction "Klinikum Großhadern". Exit the train at the terminal station "Klinikum Großhadern" (11 stops, 16 min) and walk through a park towards Biozentrum/Biomedical Center for about 15 minutes. Follow the signs to Biomedical Center. Our lab is on the second floor, NB02-042 (Berkely).

Arrival by train:

Upon arrival by train in "München Hauptbahnhof" (Main Station) take the U1 or 2 train to "Sendlinger Tor" (1 stop) where you will have to change to the U6 underground train in the direction "Klinikum Großhadern". Exit the train at the terminal station "Klinikum Großhadern" (11 stops, 16 min) and walk through a park towards Biozentrum/ BioMedical Center for about 15 minutes. Follow the signs to Biomedical Center. Our lab is on the second floor, NB02-042 (Berkely).