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SFB 1064 Collaborative Research Center: Seminars 2024

Seminars and Symposia 2024 at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Campus Martinsried:
You find a comprehensive list of seminars and lectures at the MPI of Biochemistry, the MPI of Neurobiology, the Gene Center, the LMU Biocenter, the Innovation and Founding Center Biotechnology (IZB), the Helmholtz-Zentrum, the University Institutes of Biochemistry and Physiological Chemistry, and at the Department of Biology.


  • Departmental Seminars

    November 04 Anna Barcons
    November 11 Prateek Yadav
    November 18 Katharina Schmid
    November 25 Matin Moschref

  • Journal Club
    November 08 Hanna & Gabriele
    November 22 Alex. & Zhibek
    December 06 Antonia & Matin
    December 20 Rifat & Jin